Saturday, May 21st, 2016, Akwesasronon Dawn LaFrance & Sesi Herne delivered a U-Haul truck filled with items from the community of Akwesasne to Walkley Rd., in Ottawa, ON, that’s to be delivered in a mass shipment to Attawapiskat First Nation, Fort Albany, ON, by Annie & Company. Annie & Company is a philanthropic project put on by the Laalo Family, who help people in need all around the world. The collection on May 21st was their fifth and final drop off date to include in the shipment to Attawapiskat. They received nearly 50 trucks of donations this past Saturday, and many helping hands, including City Councillor Mathieu Fluery.
Akwesasronon have collectively gathered and donated a U-Haul full of over a dozen bicycles, a few thousand diapers, countless boxes of books, personal hygiene items, sporting equipment, games, DVD’s, first-aid kits, household items, and countless arts and crafts items for all ages. Dawn LaFrance stated, “It was an amazing trip [to Ottawa], excellent teamwork. People greeted us with hugs, smiles and tears!â€
Initially organized by a team of women in Akwesasne, this large shipment was made possible by the entire community of Akwesasne, as well as some various organizations, including some off territory organizations and individuals. A big nia:wen kowa goes out to Floanne Benedict, Myra LaFrance, Sesi Herne, Dawn LaFrance, and Konwahahawi Rourke for hitting the ground running in organizing this community collective for Attawapiskat. These efforts might not have happened without your big hearts and tireless efforts.
Attawapiskat is currently in a state of emergency after the community is being hit with astronomical waves of suicide attempts. Floanne Benedict got the conversation going about Attawapiskat, and felt strongly that Akwesasne needed to participate in this effort for this First Nation community in crisis. Benedict stated that, “when I fully learned about their plight my immediate reaction was to bring awareness to the situation in whatever small way I can, and to look for people who are like minded through my social media and contact them. My mom had always taught us to fight for the people who have no voice, if you see a wrong stand up. Maybe because of the way I grew up, not having much, no electricity, no running water, I’m just a naturally caring soul for the downtrodden and marginalized. I just wish I could do more sometimes.â€
The efforts carried out by these courageous and kind hearted women have not gone unnoticed. Sesi Herne said, “It sure was so heartwarming to make others so happy! I love our team in Akwesasne.â€
Akwesasne for Attawapiskat is not finished with its efforts to help out our First Nation’s brothers and sisters to the north. A concession stand is being set up at Generations Park on May 25th, from 5pm to 8pm, and will be selling Corn Soup, Baked Ziti, Chili, and Fruit Kabobs, with all proceeds going to Attawapiskat. Moneys donated by Margaret Peters ($100) and TJ Lightfoot ($200) have been put toward this concession stand supplies. All
moneys earned will be put in the Attawapiskat PayPal account for further purchases to aid this First Nation Community. Donations will be sent to www.gofundme.com/annieandcompany.
Furthermore, to aid in the efforts “We Un1te for Attawapiskat†will be held on June 11th, 2016 at the Shenkman Arts Centre in Ottawa, ON, where Chief Bruce Shisheesh will speak and thank all those who contributed to this humanitarian project for his community of Attawapiskat. Tickets may be purchased for $25 at shenkmanarts.ca, which will include the speaking engagement as well as a meet and greet with Chief Shisheesh.
All proceeds to this event will be put into the Attawapiskat PayPal, and used to purchase local items on a monthly basis to be shipped to Attawapiskat based on their needs, as they are ever changing, as it is much more feasible to purchase items and send them, as items become far more costly the farther north they are purchased. Questions and/or donations may also be sent to annieandcompanyottawa@gmail.com.
ATV: By Ohseraséia:hawi