The AMLA coaching committee has selected head coaches for Midget 1, Bantam, Peewee 1 and Novice 1.
Akwesasne Minor Lacrosse Association is pleased to announce that five head coaches have been selected for the 2016 season. Selected unanimously by a 5-member coaching committee were Dwayne Thomas, Novice 1; Tom Smart, Peewee 1; Ryan Oakes, Bantam; and Troy Lyons, Midget 1. Spooky Burns will return to coach Girls Midget.
Candidates are still being accepted for Tyke 1. Team 2 head coach candidates will be determined after registration ends on March 15.
Chaired by Coaching Director Ryan Jacobs, the AMLA coaching committee includes Mike Benedict Sr., Dave White, Vance Thompson and Garrett Cree. Their main tasks in 2016 are to select head coaches, and along with those coaches, develop a cirriculum that will help AMLA players reach their highest potential.
“Our players will be about to say, ‘Whatever the game requires, I know how to do it,'” said Cree.
The first meeting for the cirriculum development will be announced soon. All meetings are open to AMLA members. For more information, contact Ryan Jacobs at 613-363-2483 or attend the next board meeting on Wednesday, March 2 at HAVFD.